
Spring is here?

After the last big snow storm last week we decided to head south to play golf (Monday) at 4 Mile Ranch near Canyon City. Nice course, 5 hr. round though. Arn played golf about 5 times this past week (I've played 2 times this yr.).
Today Maggie and I headed up to the Palmer Lake Reservoirs. It's a hike I'd like to try to do at least once a week. It was a beautiful day but the trail still had a little snow on it. I'll try to remember to take the camera the next time and post a pic. Several fisherman were up there and had caught a few trout. Was hoping to see some wildlife but didn't see any. Last week in Co. Spgs. a pregnant girl was out for a walk and saw a bear which started to follow her. She started running and was running across a street when she got hit by a car! She is fine, the bear was euthanized and she is now going to name the baby Bear (middle name).


After the Storm

Hopefully we had the last snowstorm of the season these past couple of days. I'm not sure how much snow dropped but we shoveled out 3 times before it was over. Spring snow is so wet and heavy but we really need the moisture. I got out my snowshoes today and we headed over to Fox Run Park . The day was beautiful!


Arn and Maggie - out on Monument
Preserve (Monument Rock). It's a great
place for a short hike and Mag loves to swim
in the pond beside the rock.
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Arn and I traveled to Scottsdale this past week(3/31-4/5). We were able to spend some time with our good friends Ron and Merry Sassano and Lynn and Steve Dodd. The weather was great, sunny and warm. We hiked Black Mountain (3398 ft., 1000 ft. elevation gain, 2.2 mi.) with Ron and Merry. It was a good workout and had great views. Arn, Merry, and I golfed at Dove Valley Golf Course one morning. On Saturday we took a hike with Lynn and Steve. Steve is a Master Steward for the McDowell Sonoran Preserve and leads hikes on the weekend. He knows so much about cactus and things in the desert. The 5.2 mile loop (Gateway Pass Loop) was great and we even saw some pottery shards at the top. I think our next purchase needs to be a GPS! We hit a little snow on the drive back and generally had a wonderful time.

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Snow Day!

We finally had a good snow storm a week or so ago (3/28). It dropped about 12 inches (24 in. were predicted). The day after the storm was beautiful, a bluebird day! Stacy, Bryan, Mason, and Catie Bea came up and we headed to Toboggan Hill. We had lots of fun making the snowman, sledding, tubing, and making a fort. Hope we get a couple of more good storms this month.
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