
Rain, Rain, Go Away!

It's been unusually wet here this summer. Today is in the 50's, overcast, and rainy. We've been trying to golf but the course is very soggy and we haven't been hiking in over a week!


What a storm we had last night!!!!! Wind, cherry size hail, lighting, rain. Very weird that it took place at midnight. Maggie was freaking out, Arn and I even went to the basement. Not much damage other than a broken flood light but my garden took a hit and will hopefully recover.Posted by Picasa

Road Trip to See Val!

Last week we took a road trip thru Wy, SD, and ND to see Val in Dickinson, ND. Along the way we stopped at Mt. Rushmore, Spearfish Canyon, Roughlock Falls in the canyon, Devil's Tower (was in Close Encounters of the 3rd Kind), Teddy Roosevelt NP (Badlands), and spent a couple of days visiting in Dickinson. It's a cute little town in a part of the country we hadn't been before and the people are so nice. Everyone had a good time and it was nice to see Val and Eric.
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We did some trail blazing this past week (Wed.) After starting at the Palmer Lake Res. trailhead we continued on past the 2nd reservoir on Rampart Range Rd. We were trying to drop down into Limbaugh Canyon but found a trail that went along the ridge and out to Inspiration Pt. on Chatauqua Mt. We found a trail back down the mountain which returned to the trailhead. The loop took almost 3 hr. We still want to find a trail in Limbaugh Canyon. Wildflowers were out in full force especially some type of yellow daisy.


Happy Birthday USA!

We had a great 4th of July. Monument has a great parade, street fair, bands, and farmer's market and then activities start in Palmer Lake. It was a wet and rainy day, we BBQ's, and then headed over to Palmer Lake for the fireworks. The star was even lit up in red, white, and blue! Tyler brought home Miranda and his friend Miles and Mere was here. Missed you Val! (and Eric).

The above painting is one of my favorites of the Palmer Lake Star. It is by Dan Fraley, a local artist.


Mere resting after the Seven Bridges part of
hike. Meredith spotted this aspen leaf with a
droplet of water on the trail.

Looking out to Garden of the Gods and Colorado
Springs from the top of Mt. Buckhorn.

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Arn, Mere, and I did a hike in Cheyenne Canyon yesterday that was just beautiful. Seven Bridges to Jones Park to Bear Creek Canyon, and ending with Mt. Buckhorn. It took us 4 hrs. and is around 8 mi. It's a loop that starts with a trail thru the trees, crossing streams. Next is an aspen meadow, then down thru a canyon by another stream and ending with a trek on top of Mt. Buckhorn and then down thru a wash (or 2 more mile of switchbacks). Mag loves all of the water along the way. This is one of my favorites!
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