
Chokecherry Time

I talked to Valerie yesterday and she was out picking chokecherries to make jelly. North Dakota's ripen earlier that ours, I guess. Meredith and I made jelly last year. The chokecherries around here are not ripe yet (1-2 wks yet to go). I hope to get some before the bears get them all this yr. Question - Do we all eventually become like our mothers??


Seven Bridges with some of the Banks family!

I've been wanting to get Mason and Catie Bea up to the Seven Bridges area in Cheyenne Canyon before school starts so we went yesterday (8/12). The weather was beautiful and we had lots of fun. Stacy, Mason, Catie Bea, and I took off hiking around 11 AM, stopped along the way and ate lunch and the kids played in the water at every bridge. Mason spent most of his time in the water. Cate enjoyed hiking and playing with Maggie. Maggie was really tired from all of the fun.
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Matt and Tiffany's Visit

Matt and Tiffany, our nephew and his girlfriend (from Arlington,
Va. )came to visit us last weekend (8/8). We took them on the Spruce Mountain hike which is a 5 mile loop north of Palmer Lake. It goes up on the top of a mesa and does a loop. We stopped at O'Malley's after the hike for some Blue Moon and chicken wings. It was great to see Matt and finally meet Tiffany. Meredith was home from her class in Nederland, Co. so she came along before she left to go backpacking near Crested Butte.
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Josiah and Trevor

Josiah is going into sixth grade and Trevor is going into the third grade. What great kids they are! Wish we could see them more often. Love and miss them lots!
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We have a Champion!!!

Arn's frequent rounds of golf have finally paid off!! He won Low Gross for his flight for the Senior Men's Championship at the club this past weekend. He celebrated too much and slept most of the day after golf. I am hoping to drop my handicap a couple of points this season.