
AdAmAn - New Year's Eve

Every New Year's Eve the AdaMan group hikes up Pikes Peak. They 'add a man' to the group every year (get it).They have 33 people in the group and I think it takes a special invitation to belong to it. Last year they didn't make it to the top due to the weather. This year they spent one night at Barr Camp and made it to the top this afternoon. They had to use a blow torch to get into the building at the top. They shoot off fireworks tonight at midnight. My brother and his wife usually watch them from their deck. Happy New Year!


Stan and the Boyz Vs

Stan,Jr. and his boys stopped by a day or so ago. They took Gma out to lunch but stopped back at our house for a short visit. It's been a while since we've seen them. Gma said it was a 'Christmas Miracle'. The boys have grown so much. Josiah is 13 and 6'2". Trevor is 10 and 5' 5". Both of them play basketball. It was great to seem them and it really boosted Gma's holiday spirits. Stan also brought his girlfriend, Melissa who was very nice.

Gma's Pedi

Ok, so I still haven't figured out how to flip a pic for the blog. Anyway, Val, Gma, and I went to get pedis after Christmas. We're hoping that it helps Gma's circulation problems. She really enjoyed it and is already planning her next visit!


Christmas 2011

Christmas 2011

We had a great Christmas this year. Mere brought Tim and Val and Eric got to stay longer than usual. We decided to go to mass early on Christmas eve instead of midnight mass so that Gma could go along. It was packed! The guys wanted to decorate cookies so I saved some sugar cookies and the gingerbread house for that night. They seemed to really get into it and added a gable and some other additions to the house. We tried to watch Christmas Vacation but most of us fell asleep. Christmas morn was fun too. Grandma saved her new jammies (from last yr.) for xmas morn. and Arn wore his usual Christmas morn outfit. We ate, drank, played games, watched movies, and had lots of fun. The day after Christmas we met Val and Eric in Denver for her birthday sushi lunch (not many sushi opportunities in ND). Mere and Tim had to leave on the 26th, Tyler returned to work on the 27th, and Val and Eric leave on the 30th.



One of our holiday traditions is having cioppino on Christmas Eve. We started the tradition we we lived in Salt Lake City when we didn't have any family coming for the holidays. It was easy, we could do it ahead of time (we usually would ski on Christmas Eve), and the everybody liked it. Arn usually makes the base the day before and we serve it with crusty bread.

We also have lots of appetizers. Arn is starting the cioppino today.....we'll let you know how it turns out.


Who's Daddy's Girl....It's Valerie! Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday Valvie!

28 yrs. ago today we had our first little bundle of joy! Happy Birthday to you Valerie! We love you and are proud of you and all that you do. We brought you home from the hospital on Christmas Eve during a blizzard. We're looking forward to your sushi birthday luncheon.


Finishing up......

As we get older does time go by faster? Sure seems like Christmas came more quickly this year. I felt more organized in some ways but struggling to get ready in other ways. I'm trying to realize also that sometimes the gift of 'time' can be a very good gift. Another holiday veggie creation.....thought this was cute.


Harp....Here the Bells!

Yesterday Gma and I did something neither one of us have ever done before. We went to a Christmas harp concert at the library. It was a recital by the students of a local harp teacher. The music was beautiful, relaxing, and very enjoyable.


Santa came early....Lucky Me!

Santa came early this past week and I was so excited! I won a Nook Color! I bought $20.00 worth of tickets for the charity raffle baskets at work. I won!! The Nook Color was on my xmas list ! I had always thought I wouldn't want an ereader but changed my mind when I found out it will check email and more. I also won a $50.00 Barnes and Noble gift card. I'm still playing around with it and learning how to use it. It will be great for traveling and Arn can even take it when he goes to Las Animas to work. Lucky me!


I Thinks So......Ted.

This past week we got together with an old friend for lunch. Ted helped us out when we moved here in 99 (bathroom redo). My brother has known him for over 30 yr. as he was one of his original patients. He's 88 and still stays quite active even tho he's had 4 hip replacements. Over the past summer he rebuilt his Christmas decorations that he puts on the top of his house (Santa and his reindeer). He made all new ones and painted them. He does his own cooking, cleaning, cuts firewood, fishes weekly, helps with the boy scouts, ushers at church, and volunteers at the Olympic center. This coming week he's making potica and toffee for Christmas. What a guy!


It's Beginning to Look Alot Like Christmas

This past weekend we put up the Christmas tree. We thought we were getting a shorter one this yr. but it still is pretty tall. Tyler and Lauren came down to help along with Gma who arrived on Sat. afternoon. We like the tall skinny variety with lots of room for dangling ornaments. I got daring this year and used a Christmas log cabin quilt for the tree skirt. Santa needs to start putting presents under the tree!



Thinking about Brandon today and everyday...on his birthday.

Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal. ~From a headstone in Ireland

She's Here!

Mom (Grandma) arrived this afternoon! She's 86 and spent the last three weeks in Georgia and Florida. She'll be with us for 4-5 months or so. We've got big plans.....caning a chair, sewing, eating out, movies, Crested Butte, baking, and more. She'll also rejoin the blanket sewing project for kids in crisis group. Gotta hit her fav spots soon....O'Malley's (biker bar) and Chinese food.