
A Nice Day Off

AFA Golf Course with the chapel in the distance.

The pond @ Fox Run Park with Pikes Peak in the distance.
 Today I had the opportunity to play a ladies team match at the Air Force Academy golf course (Blue) and it sure was beautiful.  The blue course is more difficult that the silver. I shot a 109 which is good for me.
 I was hoping to see more wildlife but only saw 2 deer.  Arn played @ MHCC and then we hiked around Fox Run Park for about an hour.  Next week is a match @ Patty Jewett golf course in CS.  Watch for a future post...it's a BEAUTIFUL public course.


A Visit from Charlie (and Tyler and Lauren)

Tyler, Lauren, and Charlie came for a visit this past weekend.  We had lots of fun with them and Charlie.  He enjoyed having so much space and exploring all of it.  We took him on his first hike in Palmer Lake along a small stream.  He had a good time and it wore him out. 

We played 9 holes of golf and they made some great crab bisque and cheesy garlic olive bread for dinner Sunday night.

1st hike in Palmer Lake

We'll be dogsitting Charlie the 1st week of July which will be lots of fun.
Charlie's nest under the deck.

Passed out on the cool tile floor.

Congrats Mason!

Congrats to Mason! Wow....Citizenship award, math team, Honor Roll, Special Presidential award....Great Job!  He just finished up 5th grade and is now on to middle school.  Have a great summer!  Hope we get to see you when you are back in Colorado!


Happy Birthday Eric!

Happy Birthday Eric!
 Hope you had a wonderful day!
Looking forward to seeing the new deck and bedroom.

Thunderbird Fly Over

In 1947, while the jet age was still in its infancy, military aviation was hurtled into the future with the creation of the U.S. Air Force as a separate service. Just six years later, on May 25, 1953, the Air Force’s official air demonstration team, designated the 3600th Air Demonstration Unit, was activated at Luke Air Force Base, Ariz. The unit adopted the name “Thunderbirds,” influenced in part by the strong Native American culture and folklore from the southwestern United States where Luke Air Force Base is located.

Yesterday was the AFA graduation.  A friend and I packed a picnic and parked in an area east of the stadium and watched the 'fly over'.  The weather was a bit chilly but it's always impressive to watch.


Sassy Sissy!

Happpy Birthday Sass!  Hope you have a wonderful day on Thursday (5/24) and enjoy your milestone birthday! Love ya, miss ya, mean it!


Hiking to the Reservoirs

 Come along with me on a hike to
the reservoirs I took earlier in April.

I never get tired of this beautiful hike.


Remembering Dad

This past week was my dad's (5/16)birthday.  I worked and thought of him everytime I wrote the date.  Still miss him......


Hiking with Clyde!

 Over this past weekend we took Clyde  (dogsitting for 10 days) on a hike to Monument Rock.  He thoroughly enjoyed himself and even did some swimming. He's a great dog but is a little timid (still a puppy). We saw a horse which may have been his first horse and he was terrified. I've been trying to teach him to speak but it scares him when I bark at him. We 've been having lots of fun though but he does require some watching.  He really enjoys
 squeaky balls but mutilates stuffed
animals very quickly.


Happy Mother's Day!

Val's 1st beach trip.....1983, Ocean City, MD.
Happy Mother's Day!  I saw a nice quote today.......

A mother is a person who seeing there are only four pieces of pie for five people, promptly announces she never did care for pie. ~Tenneva Jordan

How true.....



Well...we have another addition to the family.  We haven't met him yet but Tyler and Lauren are coparenting a puppy.  We are looking forward to meeting him soon!  He looks pretty cute!!  Maybe we'll get to dogsit in July when they head east to the beach.


Happy Birthday Arn!

Happy 61st Birthday to 'my guy'! Have fun on your golf trip! Doing what you do best....

Birthday Rockies Game

 We went up to Denver and met Tyler and Lauren for a Rockies game and dinner afterward at Osterio Marco. We had a very nice time at the game and great pizza afterward. The wild mushroom pizza with truffle oil and gorganzola cheese was delicious.  Thanks Tyler and Lauren for Arn's bd game and dinner.

They never grow up.....

Weather coming in.....


It's Miller Time!

Miller Moth

Miller Moth Larvae......guess the adults are better than the babies!
We're having the biannual miller moth migration (I usually don't notice the fall one) from the plains to the mountains. We must have lots of places that need to be sealed because we have an annoying amount of moths in the house.  I know they are going to pollinate wild flowers but I can't handle moths in the house randomly flying into your face.  Maggie used to enjoy catching them and eating them.  In fact, 'Maggie......MOTH!' was part of her vocab and she knew what she was supposed to do.  Some people suck them up with the vacumn......I've set traps (a light over a bucket of water, with some dishsoap on top of the water) which work well but we have more getting into the house daily. 

'Miller moth is the name given to the army cutworm. Eggs are laid in the plains. About late spring, they transform into moths and migrate to higher elevations for the summer. In late summer and early fall they again migrate to the plains where they multiply. If they live that long. Many don't survive the migration either way as they are routinely squished or sucked into a vacuum cleaner (a popular remedy) if they find themselves inside someone's abode. Besides having to dodge airborne miller moths, when they land they, leave behind a reddish-brown substance. "This is called meconia and is the waste product stored during pupal development." It is a sign that a moth recently "emerged from the pupa."

The miller moth got its name because of the scales on the wings. When they shed, "[t]hese scales reminded people of the dusty flour that cover the clothing of one that mills grain." They are called army cutworms because they tend to travel in "army-like bands." It is not uncommon to see them moving across roads. The word cutworm is a bit of a misnomer as it is actually a caterpillar. It's possible it is called a worm because it burrows underground as it pupates.
The flight path of the miller moth is partly determined by the weather. The years 2001 and 2002 were particularly dry so there were not a lot of flowers to feed on. In contrast, the winter of 2006 as well as the early spring of 2007 were quite wet. The result being plenty of flowers to feed on. Also contributing is the people population. The miller moth travels at night and uses the moon as a navigational aid. House lights confuse them. At sunrise, they look for a dark place to hide, often dark doorways. A door is opened, they are disturbed, inside they fly.'

I think we need to start looking around (attic, basement, etc) so see if we have some entry locations.