

We're learning just how talented our kids are............Tyler just built a patio in his backyard (with lots of help from Lauren,  Eric, Val, and us.   It turned out beautifully and we're looking forward to sitting around the gas fire pit. 

Watch for future postings on the girls 'Projects'.............


Happy Mother's Day

Mother's Day was quiet this year but I did talk to all of my kids.  Val and Eric stopped by on their way home from camping. We were in the midst of a snow storm so we stayed home and had an afternoon brunch of eggs and bacon.  Arn and I watched The Book Thief which was excellent.  Happy Mother's Day!


Happy Birthday Arn!

Today is Arn's 63rd birthday.  He played golf while I spent the day in an ACLS class.  We did go out for sushi and will celebrate more tomorrow.


Field Trip

Things change as you get older.  A field trip to a grocery store makes you happy.  Terri, Jane, and I took off to Denver today and went to Trader Joe's.  I had done my research and had a list of fav products but it was still overwhelming.  We all got a bunch of products to try and a little wine too.  We ate brunch at Snooze which was excellent.  They have a great selection of different egg's benedict and wonderful pancakes (even though pancakes are not my thing).  Snooze has a 'Jetson's feel' but we figured most of the people in there had never heard of the Jetson's.  TJ's and Snooze will definitely be a redo.  And the great news is that Colorado Springs is getting a store next spring.