
Mt. Muscoco Hike

Muscoco Mountain (8020 ft / 2444 m) is a prominent peak in the Cheyenne Canyon, situated on the ridge west of Mt.Cutler.  It is a 3.6 mi. round trip trail and has wonderful views. We started a little late so it made for a warm hike.  We would definitely do it again but start much earlier, take more water, and a snack that doesn't melt!

Salsa Time

For the last couple of years Valerie and I have made salsa in the early fall.  We make a double batch and it gives us enough for the both of us for the year.  We put Gma to work chopping veggies too.  This year we entered a jar in the Ace Hardware canning contest but sadly we didn't win.


Melanie, Melanie how does your garden grow?

We moved my garden last year and it was a discovery year.  A lot of things were eaten by animals but I did have some things make it. Next year I'm trying liquid fence.............
The arugula survived and we loved it, baby tricolor carrots were sweet and tasty, rhubarb made it, marigolds thrived, nastursiums thrived (made pesto from the leaves, never got around to stuffing the blossoms).

Deer , squirrels, and rabbits love sunflowers, zinnias, peas, spinach...............

Herbs - basil did poorly, cilantro did well, and parsley did well in a pot except for 1 attack by some odd worm. 

38 Years! Sept. 1, 1979

38 Years of Wedded Bliss for us..............and right now I can't remember what we did to celebrate.........watch for an update?

Happy Birthday Tyler! 8/28/2017

Tyler also turned 31 the end of August!  Happy Birthday!