
Lilah update

Lilah is 6 months old now and a very sweet girl.  She's eating solid food now, still nursing, napping, getting up a couple of times a night, and enjoys swinging.

She had become quite the roller too and Val says she rolls all over the house to get what she wants.

Chatauqua and Spruce Mt. hikes

Arrows that Arn expected us to follow ......we never saw them and did the whole hike without him!

 Just a few hiking pics from earlier this spring.  It's so nice to have great hikes close to home.


Just a little golf in April........

In mid April we took off for Dallas and spent a couple of days with our good friends Bernie and Marg (Arn went to college with them).  We stayed at their new home in Dallas and played a cool, extremely windy round at their golf course).  From there we went to Barton Creek and played another 4 days.  We passed right thru Waco and 'couldn't stop" (plus it was Sunday and things were closed) but I sure wanted to make a stop.  We all had a great time.  I didn't think I could play 5 days in a row but did just fine.  We're hoping to see more of Texas another time.