
Person Camp

I thought this was a great idea from our.mama.guide for teaching kids the basic skills of life.


Calvin John July 2022


Cousin Get Together July 2022

More fun times together.  Lilah 5, Tucker almost 2, Calvin 3 months

Tucker Visits - July 22

 Tucker stayed for a few days with us and we went to the great little park in the Glen in Palmer Lake.  The swing there is wonderful and also the little library.  We also went to O'Malley's for lunch on the deck.

The Carr's go Camping in Monument July 2022

 The parents wanted to try a trial run before going very far away.  I think things went well when the kids finally calmed down.

It was 4th of July weekend so we went hiking out to Monument Rock, had a campfire, and went to the parade in Monument.  We all had lots of tiring fun!


Calvin John 2 months

 Growing bigger, getting more fun!

Mel visits Tyler and Lauren June 22

 This was taken on a hike with Tyler and Lauren on trails near their home.

Cal and Mere come to town June 2022

 We've loved it when Mere and Cal come for a visit and to have some appointments.  Mere gets a little extra rest and we get lots of time with Cal.

The Carr's go for a hike June 2022

 This hike was taken around their home in Golden.  It looks like everyone had a great time!

Tucker and Lilah have a sleepover at Grammy and Granpa's house. May 2022

 The grandkids came to visit for a couple days and we kept them busy.  They love playing 'office', having fires, drinking hot chocolate, heading to The Rock House for ice cream, eating at La Casa, playing the piano, and generaly having fun.  It's fun for us and gives their mom and dad a break.