
1st Ski Trip of the Season!

When I found out I didn't have to work on this past Friday or Monday Arn and I decided to head to Crested Butte. I, of course wanted to try out my new skis. They had gotten lots of new snow the previous week but we had been in a cold snap. The weatherman called for temps in the 20's. Another perk was the price of ski passes. The price was $59 but if you had another CO ski pass you got half price. Our Keystone 4 pk passes worked! We ate at the Avalanche Friday night, skiied Sat., took off Sun., went hot tubbing, used the steam room, and skied Monday morning before we headed back to Monument. It snowed like crazy all day Sunday so we took that day off so Arn could study for his upcoming pharmacy test and I could work on Christmas cards. We did take Maggie on a couple of 'blizzard' walks. We went to the Brown Lab Pub and Bakery a couple of times but they wouldn't let her go inside because it was too packed (normally they don't mind). Monday morning we got out early and had 19 inches of fresh powder. It wasn't very crowded so we found fresh powder all morning. I think I did ski the powder a little better with my new skis (True Luvs - K2). We did try another new restaurant in Mountaineer Square that we will go back to - Djangos. It is a small plate place and the food was great. We finally got to try Pork Belly! The chefs on Top Chef are always making it and we really liked it but want to try it again somewhere else for a comparison. It was nice enjoying the perks of retirement and working per diem. We would like to find some used cross country skis this yr. and I'd like to get Arn a pair of snowshoes but he isn't really receptive to the snow shoe idea. Back to scrambling to get ready for Christmas!

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