
Grandma goes home....

Grandma and I went back to Ohio mid May. She is going to stay for the summer (if all goes well). I stayed with her for a couple of weeks. She missed the lilacs but the poppies were still pretty. We got a lot done around the house inside and out. She is really happy to be home and her neighbors and friends are wonderful. They will help her and keep and eye on her. Of course I will call everyday! We went to church twice (frozen in time), ate at most of her favorite places and found a couple of new good ones. Got Dr. appts taken care of, went to the dentist, and even had a Red Hat Luncheon. We saw Helen ( her friend) a couple of times, went to the farmer's market, took drives thru the covered bridge and over to Indian Mill. Simple things make her happy. We hung out clothes on the line and she said 'This feels so good'. The strawberries 'were on' so we ate strawberries every night. Lisa and Nasser arrived a couple of days after I left and are there a week. Watch for another post soon.....we had an adventure in the woods!!

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