
A recent local Hike!

Last week Arn and I went on a 3 hr. hike. We started with the familiar walk up to the Palmer Lake Reservoirs but went past them and on up Rampart Range Rd. After getting to the top we took a left turn and headed down into Limbaugh Canyon. We met a couple groups of hikers and got their take on the routes they use. After reaching the bottom of the canyon we continued on to the right and instead of heading left to the forest service cabin (and the nearby house with the dovekoot and red phone booth) we turned right on the HZ trail (cut by mt. bikers to avoid neighborhoods). There were a few switch backs and after a couple of miles we reached the area north of Monument Rock. We had left a second car there and I was sure hoping we ended up near that spot. I think we did about 7 mi. I doubt if we do the trail that way again because the HZ wasn't that scenic most of the time. The pic here is looking out at Ben Lomond Mt. with on of my fav houses in the foreground. Next time I think I'd do an out and back up in Limbaugh or take Trail # 715 from off of Mt. Herman Rd. and leave a car at the cabin parking area.
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