
OBX fun!

We finally made it to the beach again...Corolla, NC....Whalehead Beach....OBX. It could be our last time at our beach house 'Happy as a Clam' We had 21 relatives, friends, and sig. others for the week and it was wonderful. Hurricaine Earl passed thru the area a day or so before we got there and left us with great weather and great water. Crabbing was great and the crabbing crew brought home about a doz. keepers for dinner. We saw dolphins, a whale, jelly fish, and more. Tyler, Eric, and Kevin rented surf boards one day to catch some hogs!
Ages ranged from 10 mo. to the 60's and it was so nice to reconnect with everybody and have such a good time.

Bal catching a wave!

'Happy as a Clam'

Frank and Sass



Mini Matt

Tyler and Miranda

Eric and Joe

Chris and Maren

Joe and Ben (celebrated his 3rd birthday at the beach)

Sass and Arlene

Mel and Mere (celebrated Mel's Birthday at the beach too)

Crabbing at the Whalehead Club (lighthouse in background)

The 2010 group minus Matt and Tiffany (below)

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