
Busy Weekend

We had a little excitement around here Friday night. Meredith was home and we almost went out to eat for her birthday but all of a sudden we heard a bunch of water running. A pipe had burst inside the wall near the outside faucet by the front door. Arn got the water shut off quickly (could have been a disaster). We even had the weird little faucet insulators on. Our plumber came the next afternoon, quickly fixed it, and tried to figure out why it happened. The culprit probably was an outside plug (to plug in xmas lights) which was letting in just enough frigid air to freeze the pipe. Arn squirted in some spray foam insulation and the problem should be solved. We now have a plastic access panel behind the desk which I need to paint to match the wall. It really was the coldest it's ever been here last week (-30 windchill). Not fun without water for a day...glad it wasn't longer. The Steelers lost the Super Bowl too....but lots of pregame excitement.

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