
Dutch Heritage Gardens

This past Saturday I made a trip to Dutch Heritage Gardens. It was overwhelming but fun. Next year will be easier since I'll have experience. It's east of us about 5 miles with a great view of Pikes Peak. A young guy who's 28 (dutch heritage)and his wife own the place and have a 2 day open house on Memorial Day weekend. Everything is very well priced (about half the cost) and it's very well organized. I got a whole cart of plants for just $109. It included perrienals, annuals, variety pots, herbs, patio veggies (more to come on that, we'll see if they produce), and a hanging basket. The place is huge and well worth the wait in line. This place supplies all of the King Soopers stores so I'll have to do a price comparison soon. I think next year I'll make Arn go so he can be in line while I run around and get plants!


Arapahoe Basin in May

Keystone and Breckenridge from the top of Arapahoe Basin

What a busy week this past week! 3 days working in the Infusion Lab, 1 day at the ASC in the procedure room, trip up to spend the night at the Smith's beautiful home in Keystone, a great day skiing at A Basin, trying to get the PDQ newsletter out in time (by Thurs.), and calling all of the utility companies in NC at 6 am (due to the 2 hr. time difference) to transfer to the new owners of Happy as a Clam. Look for another post next week about the beach house.
Anyway, skiing was great! We never skiied this late in May (did Mother's Day in Utah one year, then played nine holes to say we did) and one of our friend's hadn't been skiing yet this year. Also we've been waiting for a 'bluebird day' and finally had one. We had fresh powder early in the day, fog, snow, and sun in the afternoon. They may even stay open until the 4th of July!

This coat makes me look big! I'm going shopping!


Goodwill Goodies

The last time I was dropping off stuff at Goodwill this chair was sitting outside waiting to be taken into the store. I quickly sat in it to make sure it was comfy, looked it over, and told the workers I wanted it. I had to go into the store and wait by the back door til they brought it out. Then I had to tell the guy I wanted it and he went with me to the check out area. It's a nice little Pier One chair that is sturdy and comfortable and will fit in the back of Mere's car. She's renting a house in June with 3 other girls and this will be great for it. Price......$30.00


Guys Aren't Very Good Patients

Arn had cataract surgery today. This is the second eye (first one was in 2005). All went well except for his mood. He's not very compliant so hopefully he'll end up with great vision. He slept all day and refuses to wear the eye shield but is taking the eye drops. He wanted to go golfing after surgery but I said NO! Guess we're getting old.....detached retina, glaucoma (sort of), and 2 cataracts.



Remembering my Dad today with lots of great memories.

Today is his birthday. He was quite a memorable person and adventurous too. Rollerblading in his 70's, downhill skiing, beekeeper, store owner, world traveler, cross country skiier, and many more. Wish we'd had him around a while longer.


Great Uncle Arn visits Nick, Leann, Noah, Samantha, and Charlie

When we went to Ohio and Pa. last month Arn was able to stop and see Nick, Leann, Noah, and Samantha. Noah just turned 4 years old and Samantha is 7 months old. We sure wish we could spend more time with them. We'll be going back to Pa. in Aug. for Chris and Maren's wedding. What cute kids!


Happy Mother's Day!

I had a very nice Mother's Day even though the kids weren't home. Arn and I went to a favorite creperie in Denver for breakfast and then played 18 holes golf. I heard from the kids one way or another and hope to spend time with them when I can. Your time is the best gift you can give someone. Even a simple phone call to remember someone means a great deal. Both of our mothers are wonderful people and we love them very much.

They've taught us many things. The pic of Dorothy is only a couple of years old whereas the one of Catherine is from 1988 and was taken at our house in Ohio around the time of Meredith's baptism. Mom Southward is now 85 and Mom Casciato is 93.

We've had many fun times and memories with both Mom's.


Happy 60th Birthday Arn!

Happy Birthday Arnold William Micheal. We celebrated Arn's 60th birthday on Sat. with a bunch of friends over for bocce and a Mexican dinner. Coronas and margaritas were flowing. I can't believe he's 60 years old. He certainly doesn't act his age or feel it. He's quite a fun guy and goes by many names......Arnold, Arn, Arnie, Arnlaud, Frank, Billy Mike, Uncle, .......feel free to add more......Happy Birthday!


Look what I found!

I hiked up to the reservoirs yesterday and noticed somebody has put up a swing! What a great idea. It's obviously an adult swing because it is high off the ground and swings out over the water. I stopped on the way back to try it out! Now if somebody would leave a canoe with paddles like at Long Lake in Crested Butte.

The view from the swing.

Pussywillow bushes I've never noticed before. Things are just beginning to bud up there probably due to the altitude.

The return view of the some rock formations. I think I've been up there before but don't totally remember the way. I usually hike the reservoirs by myself so I'll wait to go with Arn to check that out again.


Mother Mother makes Laundry Detergent

I've been using homemade laundry detergent for a month or so. It works and smells great. I'm probably saving tons of money!
Recipe - 1 cup grated soap (Fels Naptha is what I used but I've read online that it is petroleum based so I'm looking for an alternative called Zote which is supposed to be plant based), 1/2 cup Washing Soda, 1/2 cup Borax. That's it. It only takes 1 heaping TBSP. and I stir the jar to get a good mix.