
Crested Butte Weekend......with the girls!

Last weekend I went up to CB with some girlfriends. I left on Thurs. night after work because Mere had Friday off. I got to meet Mere's boyfriend, Tim and see the house where she live.
It has alot of character and is very cute. She's in town and very close to everything. We rode bikes or walked everywhere. Meredith and I hiked (#403) on Friday morn and then watched Tim and 2 other friends 'creek boat' which is kayaking on a rushing stream (Daisy River?). Mere took pics that turned out great and it was fun but scary to watch the guys go off a 30 ft. waterfall. On Sat. we 4 wheeled up to the Rustler's Gulch Tr. and hiked in until we came to the first creek crossing which was too big to cross. The second on would have been even bigger with all of the snow melt so we turned back and went to the Snodgrass Mt. Tr. which was beautiful. It wasn't that difficult but there were pretty views and fields of lupine. After the hike we stopped by Camp 4 Coffee, and later went out to the Gourmet Noodle. Sunday morn we drove up Kebler Pass, past Irwin Lake to Irwin Lodge and hiked Scarps Ridge. It's absolutely beautiful and takes 1 1/2 hr. up to get to the ridge. The views are great and pics don't do it justice but you can see for miles and look over into the next valley with a semi frozen lake (Blue Lake) down below with many waterfalls. Can't wait to go back!

Crested Butte from Snodgrass Mt.

A deer in the distance on the Scarps Ridge Tr.


Mere on Tr. 403

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