
99 Days til Christmas

It's getting cooler here in Monument and we've had more rain in the past couple of days than we've had in a long time. I've been busy trying to preserve some of the veggies we brought home from ND. I oven roasted 3 pans of plum cherry tomatoes, tried a hot pepper pesto recipe, made two large jars of refrigerator dill pickles, roasted pablano peppers, and we're eating tomatoes almost three times a day. One of our favs is a garden tomato sandwich (wheat bread - toasted, a little mayo, salt and pepper). I've also been eating tomatoes like apples, and last night we made a caprese salad. Yummy!

I'm kind of in the 'get ready for winter' mode and want to get out the fall decorations. I always have big ideas for the holidays and want to get a few projects done that I always end up deleting from my schedule. Realizing that Christmas is only 99 days away might help this year.

I'm not ready for the weather change yet thought....there was a blizzard that closed Pikes Peak Hwy last week and it snowed on trail ridge road too.

We need to be thinking about Thanksgiving....if you want to come, let us know.

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