
Meet Turk.....

I forgot to introduce another new grandpuppy. Val and Eric got Turk just after Christmas. We have yet to meet him in person but have been skyping with him and Chops. He is a really cute active addition to the family and is very smart and growing fast. We are looking forward to meeting him in person some day soon.


A Bluebird Ski

Yesterday the temp was in the 50's and windy but we went over to the golf course to get some exercise. The snow didn't stick at all to our skis (also due to our friend,PAM) and skied around the golf course for about 1 3/4 hr. It was a bluebird day and I didn't even mind the wind. I always wear too many clothes and was actually hot.

We also went to the Carpetbaggers Tournament last eve (putt putt golf tournament and dinner). It was fun and I even won some money for 3rd place. It's suppose to be cooler today but Arn's planning to golf (heading south to whatever course is open). He's golfed all winter so far as long as the weather is at least in the 40's or so.


Still missing him.........

It's been 7 years since Brandon passed away. Still missing him........

Getting together for his fav burger @ Gunther Toody's, having acai smoothies, and a drink @ a bar called Bernie's place.


Meet Clyde...

We finally got to meet little Clyde. He is Tim and Mere's (they are sharing custody, coparenting?) new puppy. He has a sweet personality and is very cute. He's also very curious (cast on leg/woodpile incident) and foil ingestion incident. Hopefully we will get to dogsit for a couple of weeks in May.


Flourless Chocolate Cake

Meredith request a flourless chocolate cake this year for her birthday so we gave it a try. There are many recipes available on the online and it was simple to make. 'Flourless' has become very popular in restaraurants because so many people are having problems with gluten or just want to say away from gluten. This dessert is good for 'no gluten' but takes 8 eggs so isn't good if you are watching your cholesterol. It was very tasty and I'd make it again but might look for a healthier recipe. It texture was kind of like a dense brownie and I liked it because it was very chocolaty but not extremely sweet. We topped it with greek yogurt and a little eldeberry syrup.


Four Continents!

Last evening Gm, Bea, and I went to the ISU Four Continents Ice Skating Exhibiton Show at the World Arena. We had great seats and felt like we were at the Olympics. Gma loves figure skating and I do too, especially
the ice dancing. My favorite couple was Meryl Davis and Charlie Smith. They were 1st place last year but 2nd this year. We all really enjoyed the show.


Movie Recommendation!

Being a bit frugal, we never rent movies. We also opted out of Netflix and went with DVR and On Demand. I also get free movies from the library. This movie find was a really great one. Door to Door was made in 2002, was nominated for 12 Emmys, and won 6 of them. The cast is great.....Wm H. Macy, Kyra Sedgewick, Hellen Miren, Kathy Bates (all favs). It's a true story about Bill Porter, a guy with Cerebral Palsy who wants a job and finally gets one as a door to door salesman. It's the type of a movie that as soon as it's over I googled Bill Porter to find out more about him. I found his website and am even going to become one of his customers. It was a very inspiring movie and one I'd like my kids to watch. So many people view handicapped people in such a negative way. Another good one we also got from the library was Music Within (about a guy who went to Vietnam, lost his hearing, and went on to work and develop lots of policies for the handicapped). It also had a very good actor who actually had CP.

Patience and Persistance.......Bill's motto....VERY INSPIRING!


Nice Blizzard!

We finally got a good snow storm. It started on Thurs. night and snowed until Sat. am. We ended up with about 22 inches. Co. Springs only got about an inch. Our nice neighbor Steve plowed us out once and his kids shoveled off the deck (guess they think we are old...or stupid for not wanting a snow blower) but by Sat. am you couldn't tell they did it. We shoveled out and then went cross country skiing over on the golf course for a couple of hrs. It was warm and beautiful but the snow stuck alittle to the bottoms of our skiis. At least we burned a few calories. There is a full moon this week so if the snow and the weather holds til the weekend we may try a moonlight ski.


Happy Birthday Meredith Ann!

Today Mere is 24 years old. Happy Birthday! We're very proud of you and you are growing up into a wonderful young adult. You've always been adventurous and enjoy the outdoors. From 4 yr. old (hiking in Utah @ Mary's Lake) to the top of Long's Peak. Love you more........