
Movie Recommendation!

Being a bit frugal, we never rent movies. We also opted out of Netflix and went with DVR and On Demand. I also get free movies from the library. This movie find was a really great one. Door to Door was made in 2002, was nominated for 12 Emmys, and won 6 of them. The cast is great.....Wm H. Macy, Kyra Sedgewick, Hellen Miren, Kathy Bates (all favs). It's a true story about Bill Porter, a guy with Cerebral Palsy who wants a job and finally gets one as a door to door salesman. It's the type of a movie that as soon as it's over I googled Bill Porter to find out more about him. I found his website and am even going to become one of his customers. It was a very inspiring movie and one I'd like my kids to watch. So many people view handicapped people in such a negative way. Another good one we also got from the library was Music Within (about a guy who went to Vietnam, lost his hearing, and went on to work and develop lots of policies for the handicapped). It also had a very good actor who actually had CP.

Patience and Persistance.......Bill's motto....VERY INSPIRING!

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