
Wildlife Spotting.............

Notice the birdfeeder in the lower right corner - this is right outside the kitchen window!
This morning just after 7:00 AM I looked out the kitchen window and saw a beautiful BEAR walk thru our back yard.  I ran for my camera and to wake up Arn but not many of my pictures turned out very well.  I kept trying to get a good pic as it strolled over to the neighbors.  After a few minutes I looked again and saw it running back toward our house WITH ANOTHER BEAR.  They were about the same size and it was extremely exciting to see them so close to our house.  They walked right by the bocce court.  These two may be the cubs that wander around with their mother.  I'm not sure but I think they stay with the mother for a couple of years and maybe they just made the break and are foraging to get ready for the winter.  Maybe the mushrooms are edible for them.  WOW!  I tried to get some pics but the close up ones didn't turn out very well.


Arn makes dinner...............

Arn made dinner tonight.  It was yummy......but can you tell we like to watch cooking shows.  He made a caprese salad and leftover chicken.


The boys.............

We've been getting an occasional visit from these guys...........I think they might be snuffling thru the pine needles and tasting the mushrooms. 


Movie Recommendation

Nanook of the North
Robert Flaherty’s classic film tells the story of Inuit hunter Nanook and his family as they struggle to survive in the harsh conditions of Canada’s Hudson Bay.  It is considered the first documentary of it's kind and was made in 1922.  When I wanted to watch it and got it from Netflix a few years ago my family laughed at me.  It's on again tonight and guess who is glued to the TV.......Arn.  It really is interesting and it's a silent film.  It shows the family doing different things but our favorite part is when the family arrives at a trading post in a canoe and the whole family gets out of the canoe (one canoe). Flaherty spent one year with the Inuit family filming them. It is considered one of the '1001 Movies to See Before You Die'.  We. also enjoyed the walrus hunt and the igloo building scenes.  Roger Ebert said ' Nanook is one of the most vital and unforgettable human beings ever recorded on film.'  Look for a future post on a 'weeping camel' ( I tend to like odd documentaries)


One more hike in Crested Butte

Three Lakes Loop - Lost Lake, Dollar Lake, a water fall, and Lost Lake Slough all in a 3 mi. loop

We did this short loop  toward the end of our visit last week. It was just enough and went really fast due to the variety of things along the trail. 


Happy Birthday to Me!

This is a milestone year for me...............I got through the day....
A friend at work made me a cake and everyone game me birthday wishes all day long.  Arn had the house decorated with '60' decor.  We went out for sushi and tried cake from a new bakery.........I still might sign up for lumosity online.


Happy Anniversary to Us!

Beaver Lodge on the drive to the hike.

Well, it's been 34 years............we were in Crested Butte for the week and did a couple of hikes.  This one was with Meredith to an overlook.  We stopped by Horseranch Park and hiked for a couple of miles.  It would be a great hike in the fall because of all of the aspen groves.

On our actual anniversary we went into Gunnison for breakfast at the Flying W, shopped around a little, relaxed, had a couple of free drinks on the patio at the Montanya Rum Distillery (where Mere works), spent some time with Clyde, and ate dinner at Django's.   It was a nice day!