
Wildlife Spotting.............

Notice the birdfeeder in the lower right corner - this is right outside the kitchen window!
This morning just after 7:00 AM I looked out the kitchen window and saw a beautiful BEAR walk thru our back yard.  I ran for my camera and to wake up Arn but not many of my pictures turned out very well.  I kept trying to get a good pic as it strolled over to the neighbors.  After a few minutes I looked again and saw it running back toward our house WITH ANOTHER BEAR.  They were about the same size and it was extremely exciting to see them so close to our house.  They walked right by the bocce court.  These two may be the cubs that wander around with their mother.  I'm not sure but I think they stay with the mother for a couple of years and maybe they just made the break and are foraging to get ready for the winter.  Maybe the mushrooms are edible for them.  WOW!  I tried to get some pics but the close up ones didn't turn out very well.

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