
Christmas Favs

The tree is up and decorated.  Presents are wrapped and I think I am finally almost ready. 
I've always enjoyed my mom's popcorn balls but haven't really helped her make them before.  This past couple of weeks we made four batches.  My dad used to help her by popping the corn.  The process works best if you have an air popper with someone in charge of it and someone in charge of the syrup (candy thermometer is a must). Also it works well if you have 2-3 ball makers available.

Gma's Popcorn Balls
2 cups white sugar
1 cup white Karo
2 sticks butter
1/4 Brer Rabbit Molasses
Melt butter and mix altogether and bring to a boil.  Cook until hard ball stage. 
1 big dish popcorn (I use my huge aluminum bowl)  If using an air popper I think it would be about 2-3 fills.  Estimate - 16-20 cups.
Use rubber gloves or baggies on hands since it is very hot. Shape into balls and put in baggies.  Tie with ribbons.  One batch makes about 25 balls.

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