
In The Garden Hymn

My mother spent the winter with us in Colorado.  She has been doing this since 2009.  I just went home with her to take her back to Ohio for the summer.  I'm thinking this could possibly be her last summer there.  She is considering moving to  Colorado.  She turns 89 this summer and has lived in her home 67 year.  The little country church where we attended has closed and she isn't too keen on attending the 'mega' church that is so popular.  I was with her over Easter and we decided to go to the church in town where my grandparents attended before switching to the one in the country.  I wish I would have attended the sunrise service at the Old Mission Church (historical Indian mission) but didn't make that service. I was raised United Methodist. It was a great service and they still sing the same songs.  Mom doesn't usually sing due to vision difficulties but they had the words projected on the wall.  It was great to hear her start singing when the old familiar song 'In the Garden' started. I grew up singing this song along with 'Onward Christian Soldiers'.


Dog Sitting

This is a pic of Clyde sitting on his new rag rug.  Clyde is spending his vacation with us while Mere and Tim are on a cruise.  We will have him over a week.  Gma made him a new rag rug and he must like the texture because he likes to lay on it.  He also enjoys catching snowballs (we had a 5 in. storm Wed. night).  He loves to try to get the snow when you are trying to shovel. This past weekend I also did some dog sitting for Ricki and Charlie. I spent a lot of time cleaning up (poop scooping) so the dogs would have a nice play area.   We may get all of the dogs together next weekend before Gma goes home on the 15th.


All of Us...........together in CB

Last weekend we all went to CB.  It's been a long time since we've skied together due to college, work, living out of state, etc.  We had a great time and everybody skied well together.  We ate out at the Secret Stash and had great pizza and we cooked in one evening.  Charlie and Ricki did well together in the condo.  The skies were blue and sunny and some of us got burned.  It was a great bluebird weekend!