
CO State Park Adventures - Castlewood Canyon SP

a tree in a rock

Inner Canyon Tr.

Inner Canyon Tr.

East Canyon Tr.

East Canyon Tr. - furthest pt.

Dam Trail

Dam Tr.

Rimrock Tr.

Dam Ruins
We've really been taking advantage of the great October weather lately and have made 3 trips to Castlewood Canyon SP.  We've walked the Canyon View Nature Trail, hiked the Inner Canyon and Lake Gulch Trails (approx 3 mi. total) on the first trip.  The second hike was a 4 mi. Loop on the East Canyon Preservation Tr. and we had the trail to ourselves that day.  Yesterday we hiked another 4 mi. Loop consisting of the Dam Tr. and the Rimrock Trail.  It goes past the Dam Ruins.  After our first hike in the park I found out that a friend came across a big rattler sunning itself on a rock when she was there.  Needless to say we were on the lookout when we went back again.

The Castlewood Dam was built in the late 1800’s, but on August 3rd 1933, the Castlewood dam collapsed under the pressure of the water from a huge rain storm upstream on Cherry Creek. A torrent of water plunged down the Cherry Creek basin until it hit the city of Denver some 30 miles away. It was the worst flood in Denver history.

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