
Thanksgiving 2009

We had a great Thanksgiving holiday this year. Our group consisted of 16 loved ones and we sure missed those that weren't able to attend (Val and Eric). Everything was delicious and we planned for plenty of leftovers. Pass The Pig was a hit this year because all ages could play and it didn't require any thinking or concentration. There was a lot of oinking going on around the table. Note Brian's pic in the group photo. Tyler and Mere had to return to Boulder on Friday because of their jobs. Meredith, Chris, Maren, and I hiked up to the reservoirs Friday AM before they left. It was fun spending time with everyone. Arn and I will be cutting the tree for Christmas this week and putting up decorations. Val and Eric arrive the 19th and Grandma arrives on the 21st. I really need to get going on my shopping!
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