
Fulgerites......love them!

Most people know I'm afraid of lightning and avoid being outside with any of it nearby.  With the recent fires I've been thinking of random lightning strikes (even tho these fires weren't caused by it).  These random formed 'rocks' are caused by lightning and I am drawn to them for some reason. Maybe it's their random earthy shape and what caused them......who knows. I try to bring a couple of them home from the beach whenever we go to add to my collection.

'The name fulgerite is taken from the latin word for lightning (fulgur). Fulgerite is formed when lightning strikes moist sand. As the lightning hits the earth it superheats the sand. This causes the sand to melt and fuse together, very similar to what happens when glass is made. After cooling by the lower temperature of the surrounding air or ocean water, a rough and lumpy object is formed.

Fulgerite is very commonly found on the Corolla beaches. It ranges in size from several inches to a foot or more in diameter. Frequently seashells and other objects are embedded in the fulgerite. Low tide is the optimum time to search, as well as after a storm. Don't overlook this uncommon treasure of the area when strolling the beach.'  Courtesy of Google

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