
Yipee ki yi yo get along little Dogie

Yesterday I was invited to attend the Pikes Peak Rodeo.....it was my first time seeing a rodeo!  It was like another world.  (I need to keep an eye out at Goodwill for a 'snap' cowboy shirt and a big belt buckle).  Teri, John, Terri, and I met, had dinner and hobnobbed with the 'sponsors'.  It was really fun and entertaining.  We saw some performing pigs before going in to the rodeo.  I didn't see anybody 'sagging' or 'low-riding', just lots and lots of tight jeans, snap shirts, and cowboy hats.  Some of the events were calf roping, bull riding, buckin' broncos, barrel racing, a parade, and tributes ot the armed forces.  The cutest one was 'mutton bustin' in which an 8-9 yr. old kid is place on a small sheep and tries to see how long they can stay on him.  I got some pics from the Gazette and will add some of my own later.
Another thing I learned about are the 'Girls of the West'.   It's a very prestigous group of beautiful girls with very good horsemanship skills.  One girl earnes the award each year and it follows you for your lifetime.

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