
Movie Recommendation!

This movie is from 2010...we got it at the library.

Temple Grandin is a 2010 biopic directed by Mick Jackson and starring Claire Danes as Temple Grandin, an autistic woman who revolutionized practices for the humane handling of livestock on cattle ranches and slaughterhouses.

Claire Danes is wonderful in this movie!  Her mother is played by Julia Ormond and refuses to instituionalize her child when she is diagnosed with autism in the early 50's.  She was so wise before her time and hired a speech therapist who provided lots of one on one care. 

I checked out one of Temple's books but it was more geared to info concerning autistic children.  She has another one which she coauthored with a guy with Asperger's on how to cope with social situations.  I've become interested in Asperger's because I think there's alot of undiagnosed people out there who are just labeled as nerd's or geeks and may have Asperger's.  Einstein is even thought to have had Asperger's.

I really had to force Arn to watch this movie with me but I knew it would be inspiring and so good.  He really enjoyed it too and had tears in his eyes at times. 
  Temple Grandin is in her 60's and has her Phd. and is a professor at Colorado State University.  She speaks at autism and Asperger's conferences around the world.    Book recommendation - The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime - written in the voice of a teenager with Asperger's.


Happy 26th Birthday Tyler

Tyler - 7 mo.
Happy Birthday Tyler!  Still working on growing up.....be good, have fun, love ya.  Hope to get together soon for your birthday and some truffle cake.


Golf and more golf.

This past weekend I played in a ladies golf tournament at Flying Horse called Run for the Roses with a friend who invited me to play.  It involved a practice round on Friday, chipping and putting contests Friday night, and golf on Sat. and Sunday.  The course is beautiful and they are trying to be the 'northern' Broadmoor.  Peggy and I had fun and today she let me borrow her old driver which I hit very well. Three days of golf was alot but it was fun.  We didn't win anything but had a good time.


Train Hopping...Update

So evidently the guy wasn't train hopping....just way to much alcohol/drugs and he either passed out or tripped.  He was very lucky to be found before he lost too much blood.  Either way it must be devastating since he was on the high school golf team and probably had a scholarship.  Interesting that the party was being chaparoned by teachers, coaches, and parents.  The loss of both legs were below the knee.  Seems to me there needs to be some investigation into the details of the party.............


Around town in Palmer Lake

The Palmer Lake trailhead was recently reopened after the fire so last week I did the hike.  I had a nice walk but was disappointed at the top to see a guy smoking a cigarette and a kid at the bottom smoking a pot pipe. Come on guys...we are still in a drought and have fire danger.   Also I found a bunch of styrofoam and more than a couple of piles of dog poo on the trail.  So I decided to look for some good things too.  Here are some pics of some of my favorite things about Palmer Lake.

One of my favorite little cottages in Palmer Lake

Another on of my favs.

The Little Log Church

Moose Log

Moose Log from a different angle

The big jar of shells and a sand dollar tray.

Our fan coral we found on the beach.


Look what we found..........!

While we were on vacation in the Turks and Caicos this past April we found a piece of fan coral while walking on the beach.  Being me, I first thought...'wow, a free souvenier' .  It looks very delicate but is quite sturdy so I stuffed it in my suitcase and brought it home. It traveled really well with no damage at all!   It now sits on top of our headboard along with a big glass vase of seashells from that trip and various other trips.  I really got excited when I went to TJ Max Home Goods and saw a smaller piece of fan coral in the mark down area for $18.00 (orig. 25.00). 


I had no Idea.......Train Hopping????

In 2010, 443 trespassers nationwide were killed and another 833 injured in interactions with trains, according to preliminary railroad-safety statistics for that year compiled by the U.S. Department of Transportation's Federal Railroad Administration. Of those injured, 41 suffered amputations of feet or legs.

I had no idea people were still doing this!  Evidently in some circles this is considered aventurous and fun.  There are even Youtube videos about it.  Last year a CSU freshman had her legs severed while trying to hop a train from Denver to Fort Colllins.  So many people don't consider the permanent consequences of doing something 'risky'.  Maybe I'm just getting old......

It happened close to home a day or so ago in Monument.  A 17 yr. old lost his legs trying to hop a train at 1 AM.  I just don't get it.  Where was he trying to go, who was he with?  Didn't somebody have a car? More to come........

Certainly life changing.......please send positive thoughts and prayers his way.

Colorado Wildfire Photos: The Waldo Canyon Fire in Colorado SpringsPlog Photo Blog

Colorado Wildfire Photos: The Waldo Canyon Fire in Colorado SpringsPlog Photo Blog

Here is a link to some great pics of the fire. 
I think I'm becoming my mother..........


Peach Pickin'

Dorothy with some of her favs

Usually when I buy peaches in Colorado I just buy peaches......
While home last week we went to an orchard and picked a bushel of 'Red Haven' peaches.  They are mom's favorite and she plans on eating a bushel of peaches by herself (fresh).. We got a good start on them and they are delicious.

Anthony and his ducks

 RED HAVEN PEACHES: Red Haven is the all-time favorite of peach lovers for both canning and eating fresh. They are freestone, which means that the fruit comes free from the stone when peeled. Other areas of the country may grow more peaches than we do, but Michigan peaches are renowned for their rich flavor and juiciness.

I should have snapped a pic of Molly and her new rabbit, Cinnamon or Angie's goats or cows. 

While spending time with mom we also got quite a bit of yardwork done.......trimming, pruning,  weeding, sprucing up....still lots to be done.

An Amish Adventure

I just got back from a visit to Ohio and my mom.  We had a great week.  The weather cooperated and wasn't too hot, too humid, or too buggy.  We spent two days in 'Amish country' for an early birthday celebration for mom's birthday.  We left on our 'field trip on Wed. and stopped by Charles Mill lake and checked it out.  We met a lady who gave us some good recommendations to check out.  We visited Millersburg, Berlin, Walnut Creek, and Charm, Ohio.  I went to a bunch of fabric shops and we ate lunch 'where the local eat'.  The pies were delicious.  We also went to the flea market, cheese shops, a great hardware store (Keim Lumber, not Lehman's).  We spent the night in Millersburg because trying to do it all in one day is too tiring.  Charm ended up being our favorite village.  The countryside is beautiful and the people are wonderful. 

In Millersburg I checked out the Holmes County Rails to Trails Trail which is 15 mi. long with plans to expand.  Horse and buggies are allowed as well as walkers and bikers.  I only walked a few minutes since it was hot and humid.

We both enjoyed the trip and I came home with lots of new fabric!