
Movie Recommendation!

This movie is from 2010...we got it at the library.

Temple Grandin is a 2010 biopic directed by Mick Jackson and starring Claire Danes as Temple Grandin, an autistic woman who revolutionized practices for the humane handling of livestock on cattle ranches and slaughterhouses.

Claire Danes is wonderful in this movie!  Her mother is played by Julia Ormond and refuses to instituionalize her child when she is diagnosed with autism in the early 50's.  She was so wise before her time and hired a speech therapist who provided lots of one on one care. 

I checked out one of Temple's books but it was more geared to info concerning autistic children.  She has another one which she coauthored with a guy with Asperger's on how to cope with social situations.  I've become interested in Asperger's because I think there's alot of undiagnosed people out there who are just labeled as nerd's or geeks and may have Asperger's.  Einstein is even thought to have had Asperger's.

I really had to force Arn to watch this movie with me but I knew it would be inspiring and so good.  He really enjoyed it too and had tears in his eyes at times. 
  Temple Grandin is in her 60's and has her Phd. and is a professor at Colorado State University.  She speaks at autism and Asperger's conferences around the world.    Book recommendation - The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime - written in the voice of a teenager with Asperger's.

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