
I had no Idea.......Train Hopping????

In 2010, 443 trespassers nationwide were killed and another 833 injured in interactions with trains, according to preliminary railroad-safety statistics for that year compiled by the U.S. Department of Transportation's Federal Railroad Administration. Of those injured, 41 suffered amputations of feet or legs.

I had no idea people were still doing this!  Evidently in some circles this is considered aventurous and fun.  There are even Youtube videos about it.  Last year a CSU freshman had her legs severed while trying to hop a train from Denver to Fort Colllins.  So many people don't consider the permanent consequences of doing something 'risky'.  Maybe I'm just getting old......

It happened close to home a day or so ago in Monument.  A 17 yr. old lost his legs trying to hop a train at 1 AM.  I just don't get it.  Where was he trying to go, who was he with?  Didn't somebody have a car? More to come........

Certainly life changing.......please send positive thoughts and prayers his way.

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