
Betty White Love

Isn't Betty White great. She's been around for years (she just turned 89). I remember watching her as Sue Ann on the Mary Tyler Moore Show. Somebody around here absolutely loves the Golden Girls and uses the show to relax herself before she goes to sleep each night (2 episodes usually does the trick). Last night Mom and I watched the sweetest Valentine's movie together.
It was on the Hallmark Hall of Fame and we laughed and cried. 'The Lost Valentine' was about a young girl whose husband went missing in WWII. She went to the train station where they said goodbye every year on Valentine's Day to wait. A young reporter (Jennifer Love Hewitt) wants to do a story and ends up learning and helping much more. During the commercials Mom would reminise since she lived thru the whole thing too. She talked about the evening when the Pearl Harbor announcement was made. She was sitting on the couch with Ray Everhart (they had dated 2 yrs.) When Ray left for the war his mom didn't even invite her to the going away party and Ray didn't ask Mom to wait! So she didn't! She met Dad on one of his leaves and also dated Bill Shedenhelm. One story she's told in the past is about Dad and Bill both pulling out pictures in their wallets to show their 'girl' and they were both pics of Mom! She talked about the train trips she'd take to visit Dad in Texas and living there as a young newlywed too. Dad's first Valentine to Mom was a string of pearls and 3 heart shaped boxes of candy. All thru the movie they played music from the era which is Mom's favorite. I hope the movie is on again because it's on I'd really like to tape. The end was so touching (both of us cried). Betty is still such a good actress and is really popular right now. We're going to check out her new sitcom and her memoir.

1 comment:

  1. I got a big lump in my throat...And you are making precious memories with Mom right now! Miss you guys...
