
Grandma's feeling Crabby!

Grandma had a new dining experience tonight!! Arn and I picked up a couple of Dungeness Crabs at Sprouts on our way home from Denver last evening. I didn't think she would try it since she doesn't reallly like seafood that much. But...she kind of got into it and Arn shared a crab (I get kind of grossed out by it). I think she enjoyed using the nut cracker and dipping it in butter. We also had a pot roast (buffalo hump roast) that cooked in the crockpot all day. Weird combo...crab and buffalo but now we have lots of leftovers for the week! We also got the Christmas stuff packed away and also purged a little and have two more boxes for Goodwill. It snowed all day but we didn't get much accumulation. I didn't make it to the gym but I think I'll go out and shovel snow for my workout!

1 comment:

  1. That crab looks fantastic! We had snow, too!!!! About 4 in last night. This is amazing for Atlanta and the whole city has shut down pretty much. I went out at 7am to walk the "back 9" (back half of the subdivision) and it was a great workout.
