
Christmas 2012

Primo Cookies

Preparing shrimp/sausage dip

Mere and Clyde

Eric's beard Val knitted for him.

The bocce score board from Mere and Tim

Another Christmas has come and gone and this year was an especially good one.  We braved the small blizzard for mass at Midnight too.  The ciopinno and wedding soup were delishous too.  Valerie arrived on her birthday so she was able to meet Lauren before she headed out to Ct.  Mere and Tim arrived on the 22nd and had to return early on the 26th.  Tyler left for NYC and Ct. on the 27th for New Year's.  Eric was able to be here for Christmas Eve and Christmas morning.  Cookies were decorated and the kids helped prepare the meals.  Clyde, Charlie, and Jerry all got along and kept each other worn out (Chris came down from Minturn on the 25th for dinner).  We did miss seeing Chops and Turk.  My two standby sayings remain true............'There's never enough time' and 'Things always work out.'  We also missed seeing and talking to family but skype helps.

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