
Trying to Get Organized.......

I've been on a mission to 'red up, ream out, delete clutter, organize, simplify'.  I've got most of our old paperwork and files organized by year and eliminate that year when it passes the seven year mark.  I've sent several boxes of old vhs tapes to ACT Recycle 2200 Burlington, Columbia, Missouri 65202.  They are an organization who help handicapped adults have a job, earn money, feel useful, and help the environment.  They used to clean and recycle the vhs tapes but not dismantle and recycle them.  They grind up the plastic and I don't know where it goes from there.  Check out their website.
They now take CDs, DVD's, floppy discs, and cases.  You can send them to them at the book rate and they will send you a tax receipt.  While cleaning out some items to send (turbotax cd's from 2000, old cd's from Arn's old job) I came across a bunch of floppy discs (with backups from computers we don't even own anymore.  Some of the discs had info on them from the kids school years.  What to do....... After looking online and seeing that it costs $17.00 per floppy to retrieve the info I looked in the cupboard of old computer stuff and found a FLOPPY DISK DRIVE !!!! Let me know if you'd like to borrow it sometime.   It is really easy to see what is on each floppy and it's kind of fun because I've found Tyler's college essay and some poems by Arn that we thought were gone forever.  I'm even finding pictures I haven't seen in years.   Now my project will be looking at about a dozen floppy disks, transferring the files to the lap top, deleting the floppy, and getting it ready to mail off to Missouri.  Another thing to conquer in the future are the many unorganized pictures filling many tubs.  I did move them all to a location easier to move in case of another forest fire scare.  Scanning all those pics, giving everybody a copy of the discs, not sure what I'll do.  I still feel the need to have hard copies of pictures......I welcome any suggestions.

I can't wait to be able to get rid of the many TTEO notebooks hanging out on a shelf in the laundry room closet.

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