
Grandma 12/26/09

Wow, thinking back it's been a hectic past couple of weeks. Grandma arrived on the 21st of Dec. and seemed to be feeling the altitude a little more this time. We'd give her something to eat or some Gatorade and she'd feel better. The day after Christmas she started having some stroke symptoms so we made a trip to ER. They admitted her and the MRI showed a stroke (Thalmus and Occipital). She spent 12 days at HealthSouth Rehab Hosp. and made a lot of progress. They worked her out 3 hr. a day with OT, ST, and PT. She came home on Friday , 1/8/10, and is doing quite well. She's using a walker, is able to do steps, and seems almost back to normal. Vision and short term memory seem to be the problems. She has right sided visual field cuts so won't be able to drive and reading seems to be a big problem. Anyway, we are all glad to have her home and recovering. Outpt. therapy starts on Monday and she'll probably have it 3 times a week. Stan, Bea, Stan, Jr., Bry, Mason, CB, came over last eve for a pizza party to welcome her home. Rock is here visiting for the week. Gram made the dessert! (hicory nut cake). Post about Rock's vs. coming soon.....

1 comment:

  1. Oh Mel, I'm so sorry to hear about your mother. I am glad she is doing OK. I talked to Val tonight and it sounds like you are taking good care of her! Good thing you knew the signs to look for!
