

 We took another fun trip to CB and did some hiking this past weekend.  The first hike with Mere and Clyde was beautiful but a bit long.  We had to drive out past Gothic, walk a couple of miles on the road past Emerald Lake due to the snow plug and hiked up the Maroon West Pass Trail.  We think we went about 12  mi. or so due to the 'shortcut' we too.  Saturday Arn, Teri, and I
hiked Scarp's ridge but found another loop we'll try next time.  Mere, Tim and John mountain biked the 401 Tr.
Of course we went to the Avalanche a couple of times and the West End Public House.   We had to come home via Canyon City due to the Waldo Canyon Fire.

Tired Arn......

Cooling off in a snow patch.

Almost done, Emerald Lake.

Snow plug (old avalanche) from last year!

Mel and Teri on top of Scarp's Ridge.

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