
Patty Jewett

Today was another 'team golf' match.  We played @ Patty Jewett.  Co. Springs had a huge storm last eve and it ripped thru the golf course.  There was lots of debri, branches, and flooding from the rain and hail.   All in all it was a fun day and our opponents were fun to play with.  I again shot 109 and didn't play very well.

Patty Jewett is the third oldest public golf course west of the Mississippi. 
Golfers enter the grounds through an elegant, black, wrought-iron gate that opens onto a road lined with a canopy of 100-year-old trees.  The course is always in beautiful shape and always in use.  All of the money taken in is put back into the golf course.  The clubhouse is historical with lots of wood and a painting of 'Patty' looking down on you from above the fireplace.
'Patty Jewett has been a city-owned course since 1919 but it was designed by
Willie Campbell in 1898. Large trees, a small creek and curving fairways make a shot selection important.The course started out as a private club called the Town and Gown Clubbut it went bankrupt and was purchased by a group of men one of them being William Jewett, who was a good friend of Colorado Springs founder, Gen. William Jackson Palmer.  Jewett eventually bought out all of the other partners and by the late 1910s to early 1920s was in a position to give the golf course to the city.  His two stipulations for the gift were that the course be named after his wife (Patty) and that the grounds must never be anything but a golf course or park

The patio is perfect for lunch or happy hr.  In fact, I recently asked if they had mint for a mojito and the waitress walked over and picked some and asked if that was fresh enough!

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